Due to the current Corona Virus Crisis, the Private Hospitals and Clinics from where I normally consult have been closed and we are only able to see urgent patients. I apologise for the inconvenience.

If there is anything that you wish to discuss with me, then could you please contact Debbie my private secretary on 07502036457 or at debbiewood147@gmail.com, with your contact details and I will telephone you with advice and if it is necessary I will make arrangements to see you at the nearest private hospital to you.

No-one knows exactly how long this situation is going to continue, but one would estimate it will probably be between three and six months before we get back to normal. I look forward to seeing you at that time and wish you and your families all the very best.

Neil McLean


Plastic Surgery following Massive Weight Loss

Many Patients are now presenting for plastic surgery following massive weight loss which the patient may have achieved by diet and exercise or following bariatric surgical procedures.

If a bariatric operation has been performed the bariatric surgeon will normally advise that the patient waits at least 2 years to attain a steady weight prior to proceeding with a plastic surgery operation. This is to ensure that the patient obtains the maximum benefit from the plastic surgery.

Massive weight loss patients, for reasons not yet fully understood, are more prone to post operative complications following the plastic surgery operations and these include wound infection and seromas.

The majortiy of the patients benefit greatly from the surgery to remove the excess skin and fat and most have a greatly enhanced quality of life following this form of surgery.

The most common procedure performed on the patient following massive weight loss is an abdominal reduction operation. Arm and thigh reductions are also common while some paients because of huge amounts of weight loss, require a total lower body lift

Othe procedures include breast uplift and augmentation and reduction in the size and raising of the mons pubis.

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    Abdominoplasty (Standard and Inverted T-Shape)

    An Abdominoplasty is an operation to reduce the excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and often is combined with liposuction. It can enhance your appearance and thus improve your self-confidence. Massive weight loss patients may require a more complicated type of procedure.

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    Arm Reduction (Brachioplasty)

    Arm reduction is an operation to reduce the amount of loose skin and fat on the upper arm. This is often undertaken by those who have experienced substantial weight loss or those, who as a result of ageing have experienced arm tissue deflation. The surgical procedure involves removing the loose skin and excess fat deposits.

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    Back and Lateral Chest Reduction

    Following massive weight loss there can be a significant amount of excess skin and fat in the upper or lower back. The upper back can be corrected by removing these tissues leaving a scar parallel to the bra strap. The excess lower back tissues are usually removed as part of a lower body and buttock lift operation. The lateral chest tissues can also be reduced.

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    Face and Neck Lifting

    Facelift surgery is a procedure aimed at reducing the effects of aging through the repositioning of the skin and muscle around the face and neck area. Massive weight loss patients may require a modified facelift operation.

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    Mastopexy / Augmentation

    A breast uplift is generally the preference of those that are happy with the size of their breasts, however are unsatisfied with their firmness, or the effect of gravity on their nipples. The surgery involves making incisions around the nipple, and in most cases the surgeon is able to achieve the desired results without using implants depending on the current shape and condition of the breasts and skin. Some patients may require a simultaneous breast augmentation.

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    In the female patient following massive weight loss the mons pubis can be come enlarged and ptotic (sagging). It is possible to elevate and reduce the size of the mons by a surgical operation.

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    Thigh Reduction (Thighplasty)

    Following massive weight loss there can be excessive loose skin and fat on the inner aspect of both thighs which can cause irritation and discomfort. This can be helped by a thigh tightening procedure often combined with liposuction.

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    Total Lower Body Lift

    This extensive operation which takes around 6 hours to perform under general anaesthetic lifts the both the buttocks and the lateral thighs and also includes an abdominal reduction at the same time. The scar runs completely around the lower part of the trunk, both on the anterior and posterior aspects of the torso.


Body-Jet is an innovative technique, which can be used for re-sculpturing without the potential complications of more traditional methods of liposuction.

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One Stitch Facelift

The One Stitch Face Lift is a relatively new advanced procedure, designed to make the skin smooth and taut, without the need for complex and invasive surgery.

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Most Common Mistakes

When Considering Plastic Surgery

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Contact Information

The McLean Academy

Neil R. McLean ( MD FRCS )

Telephone: 07502036457

Email: debbiewood147@gmail.com

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